In March 2011, the town of Minami-Sanriku, home to Alpha Diamond’s two factories, was devastated by an unprecedented level of disaster – the Tohoku earthquake and subsequent tsunamis.
Fortunately the two factories were not inflicted with heavy damages, but some of the employees lost their homes and had to live in temporary shelters.
Several years have passed since then, and Minami-Sanriku has been regaining its old vigor.
The town’s infrastructure has steadily been rebuilt.
Daily construction of roads and shore strengthening works are all changing the landscape.
The tsunami that hit the town caused nine in every ten fishing boats lost and completely destroyed the mollusk/fish raising industry, but the chain of operation including the landing, processing and marketing of the fish and mollusks is now restored and all other industries in the town are also coming back into operation.
In March 2017, the much awaited Minami-Sanriku Sun Sun Shopping Village opened its gate to visitors.
The Shipping Village was designed under the supervision of the distinguished architect Mr. Kengo Kuma and is standing on the location that overlooks the entire Shizugawa Bay. The streets in the Village are filled with stores and restaurants all constructed lavishly using the renowned Minami-Sanriku cedar wood attracting many locals and tourists on weekends and holidays. The Village is expected to serve as the base for fully rebuilding the town.
Minami-Sanriku is a town blessed with the abundant wealth from both the sea and the land.
From minus to zero to what awaits beyond, Alpha Diamond is committed to grow hand in hand with the town.